Thursday, 21 October 2010

Projects completed, ongoing and planned

Hydra Projects undertake a series of artworks focused on personal and social regeneration. The projects are satirical but aimed at personal and social improvement.  These include films, photo series, performance pieces and installations. Current projects include a fake street art gallery (Mixed Show and Subliminal at the Edmund Street Gallery), a project to create an un-common currency (Wallets of Wisdom), a guide to complex emotions (Bearing Loss, Being Lost and Losing), astrological charts for interstellar space probes (Astro-illogical), adverts for rough sleeper places (Homeless City Ads) and a metaphysical bookmakers (Prophette and Shaman). 

From the Island.  An umbrella project on the themes of migration and memory.

Las Altas Finanzas.  A brochure about gambling in the City of London.  Shares, derivatives, horses, beliefs...

Osmotic Bookshop. A sign to be placed in a park advertising the availability of great works of literature for osmotic appreciation.

Status of the Artist.  My reflections on the UN Recommendation regarding the Status of the Artist, recently submitted to the Sheffield International Artist's Book Prize 2013.

Mixed Show @ Edmund Street Gallery - A street installation highlighting the issue of ArtSpeak (use of stylized and obtuse language to describe art). See Also the second show Subliminal @ Edmund Street Gallery.

Prophette and Shamen Metaphysical Bookmakers - a performance piece which recreates an old style racecourse bookmakers stand and uses it for metaphysical betting (things that cant be proved but are believed to be True). 

Bearing loss, being lost and losing - the first of three pictorials meditating on complex emotions.

Wallets of wisdom - a project in which I will "lose" 100 wallets containing things money can't buy in the hope they will help the finder and continue to circulate and accumulate an (un)common wealth.

Homeless city adds - a project using photos of rough sleeper places near five star hotels combined with icons from the homeless city guide. These are posted on accommodation websites and the responses noted.

Astro Illogical - provides star charts for the spacecraft destined to leave our solar system and the influence of our sun.

What I learned about life - I watched 60+ hours of David Attenborough natural history DVDs over 3 weeks in January 2010 and lived to tell the tale.